
Contact: +75 565 189  - Email: info@pelisterultratrail.com

About Pelister Ultra-Trail®

Pelister Ultra-Trail® is an international event organized by the Association for Promotion of Sports, Sports Tourism and Healthy Lifestyle BOF (Bitola Outdoor Festival) Bitola which is held in the oldest National Park in N.Macedonia, Pelister National Park. The event takes place on June 26, 2021. This edition of Pelister Ultra-Trail® will have two ULTRA-TRAIL® races, where the races are organized according to ITRA (International Trail Running Association) rules and regulations for this type of racing, where also each of races appropriately bring a certain number of points for UTMB®.



As an event held within the borders of the oldest National Park Pelister, which was proclaimed as far back in 1948, Pelister with its diversity and heterogeneity and its unique flora and fauna, organizing team of the Pelister Ultra-Trail®, actively is working on promoting and educating of each participant to respect and protect the unique nature of the National Park.

In order to protect National Park Pelister and its natural beauties and for less waste during the event, each participant will need to respect the following rules and regulations:

  • Disposal of any kind of garbage (paper, organic waste, plastic bottles, cups) is forbidden
  • waste bags will be available at each refreshment station and will have to be used for that purpose. Controllers of the race will be present and will control whether these rules are respected
  • each participant will have to, if it is not possible, temporarily place the waste in their backpack and carry it with them, until they are able to leave the trash in specially designated places for that purpose.
  • race participants will have to follow the marked paths without shortening. Any exit or cut off the marked path is strictly prohibited by the organizer, plastic or any other disposable waste (water cups or cups for juices) will not be distributed to refreshment stations
  • it is mandatory for each participant to carry their own accessories (glass, spoon, fork) or food dish in order to be able to properly use the refreshments and food offerings at refreshments stations.
  • participants who will not have accessories for hot meal will certainly be able to enjoy in unlimited food and drink offerings at each station

If any of the participants fails to comply and respect any of the above rules, they will be DISQUALIFIED from the Pelister Ultra-Trail®.

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+389 75 565 189